| From: Donald D. Smythe, Professor of Geology Peiyang University Department of Geology, Tientsin, China. To: Erma Smythe April 16, 1924
Dear little wife:- I was interested to hear that you had taken up bridge, was rather suprised that you learned the game in one night, I have played it several years and am just starting to learn. I will suprise you by informing you that I am dancing and learning to play tennis. Think that I will enjoy both. You will know better what to bring out now since Mrs. Ball has written you. Don't think that you need to bring much as we can get most things cheaper here than at home. If Eunice likes the Peruvian stuff you might just as well leave most of it with her I want you to bring the poncho though for a richshaw rug. Will tell you a few things that I want you to bring me when it comes time for you to start. Tell your mother to decide what color she wants her Chinese rug and the size. I will have one made for her and make her a present of it. The best quality costs Mex$1.80 a square foot so you can figure the cost here, I don't know what the cost will be for the duty but you can find that out I expect. Things are just beginning to be beautiful here now. The peach trees are just through blooming and the leaves are starting , lilacs are about to burst. Not much rain yet but is a couple of weeks we will have to go into whites and don sun helmets. Tell Eunice to let me know what she wants and to give you the mony for it that she wants to spend. I will try to get it. Things are cheap if you know where to get them. Many of the women here make considerable money by buying Chinese stuff and having someone sell it in the states, mainly grass linen and brasswork. Not much scandle this time, do better next time.
With lots of love, |